About Us
We provide justice system-impacted individuals and families the tools and support they need to be safe and thrive in their communities.
We envision communities that welcome all people, provide second chances, and create pathways to change.
We believe all people have the capacity to change. We honor the dignity and worth of every individual, engage our clients and employees with compassion, and bring excellence to all we do.
Since its founding in 1993, The Pathfinder Network has expanded from its initial work as a contractor with the Oregon Department of Corrections facilitating cognitive programming to an agency offering multifaceted programs in corrections and in the community.
We facilitate multiple programs for DOC, including Parenting Inside Out®, and offer prevention and intervention programming for the segregation population.
In the community, our Center for Family Success in Multnomah County offers parenting classes, reentry mentoring support for justice-involved mothers and fathers, early childhood home visiting, peer mentoring, case management, and mentoring and intervention programs for children of justice-involved parents.
Collectively our programs have served over 40,000 justice-involved individuals and their families.
In 2012, The Pathfinder Network merged with the Children’s Justice Alliance, an agency focused on advocating for children of incarcerated parents and promoting parenting programs for justice-impacted parents. Through the Children’s Justice Alliance program, The Pathfinder Network markets the Parenting Inside Out® curriculum and trains criminal justice agencies to successfully implement Parenting Inside Out, now used in 30 states and 3 countries.